Hi All -- Attached are some photos of our trip to the beach on Long Island last week -- a fun day for all! Suzy and Willy got along great in the car -- she loves to go for rides. She just takes a nap (and snores sometimes!) The beach was chilly, so we snuggled in a blanket on the dunes, while my husband took Willy down to look at the waves. Suzy loved to walk around a bit on the sand too. She loves her new coat from the HSNY -- so elegant! I have to get a different harness to use with it though, since it doesn't have a leash hole. She is so amazing -- she sometimes "jogs" when we go for walks (she is full of energy in the evenings!) -- it is hysterical -- she sort of tosses her hair back and forth when she runs -- I'll have to video-tape it. She is such a ham about having people pay attention to her! She and Willy are getting along really well now. We bought her a crate with a cozy fleece pad and took the door off, so it's her own little "room" -- she loves to go in there and chew on bones and kong toys. My husband is in love with her and treats her like a little princess (that she is!) -- he calls me all the time in the afternoon to report what the "guys" are up to ("Suzy is napping", "Suzy is chewing on her toys", "Suzy is snorting around looking for a treat!") I think Willy is feeling less jealous -- they each have their own "terrain" in the apt and seem to respect each other's boundaries (though Willy does go into her crate to see what she has in there and make sure she's not borrowed any of his toys!)